Range | Quantity | ||||||
Prestige | 1-5 | 6-10 | 11-20 | 21-50 | 51-100 | 101-200 | 201+ |
Pin or clip | £8.18 | £6.61 | £5.69 | £5.11 | £4.04 | £3.56 | Click here |
Magnet | £8.83 | £7.26 | £6.34 | £5.76 | £4.69 | £4.21 | Click here |
Prestige Premium | 1-5 | 6-10 | 11-20 | 21-50 | 51-100 | 101-200 | 201+ |
Pin or clip | £10.21 | £8.57 | £7.54 | £6.82 | £5.87 | £5.23 | Click here |
Magnet | £10.86 | £9.22 | £8.19 | £7.47 | £6.52 | £5.88 | Click here |
Classic | 1-5 | 6-10 | 11-20 | 21-50 | 51-100 | 101-200 | 201+ |
Pin or clip | £6.58 | £5.21 | £4.70 | £4.49 | £3.66 | £3.11 | Click here |
Magnet | £7.23 | £5.86 | £5.35 | £5.14 | £4.31 | £3.76 | Click here |
Metal Classic | 1-5 | 6-10 | 11-20 | 21-50 | 51-100 | 101-200 | 201+ |
Pin or clip | £6.79 | £5.42 | £4.91 | £4.70 | £3.87 | £3.32 | Click here |
Magnet | £7.44 | £6.07 | £5.56 | £5.35 | £4.52 | £3.97 | Click here |
Standard | 1-5 | 6-10 | 11-20 | 21-50 | 51-100 | 101-200 | 201+ |
Pin or clip | £6.93 | £5.48 | £4.95 | £4.73 | £3.85 | £3.28 | Click here |
Magnet | £7.58 | £6.13 | £5.60 | £5.38 | £4.50 | £3.93 | Click here |
Borderless | 1-5 | 6-10 | 11-20 | 21-50 | 51-100 | 101-200 | 201+ |
Pin or clip | £7.56 | £6.05 | £5.32 | £4.93 | £3.94 | £3.42 | Click here |
Magnet | £8.21 | £6.70 | £5.97 | £5.58 | £4.59 | £4.07 | Click here |
Reusable | 1-5 | 6-10 | 11-20 | 21-50 | 51-100 | 101-200 | 201+ |
Pin or clip | £9.85 | £8.09 | £7.01 | £6.27 | £4.97 | £4.39 | Click here |
Magnet | £10.50 | £8.74 | £7.66 | £6.92 | £5.62 | £5.04 | Click here |
Metal Reusable | 1-5 | 6-10 | 11-20 | 21-50 | 51-100 | 101-200 | 201+ |
Pin or clip | £10.00 | £8.33 | £7.27 | £6.54 | £5.42 | £4.80 | Click here |
Magnet | £10.65 | £8.98 | £7.92 | £7.19 | £6.07 | £5.45 | Click here |
Convex Pro | 1-5 | 6-10 | 11-20 | 21-50 | 51-100 | 101-200 | 201+ |
Pin or clip | £10.00 | £8.33 | £7.27 | £6.54 | £5.42 | £4.80 | Click here |
Magnet | £10.65 | £8.98 | £7.92 | £7.19 | £6.07 | £5.45 | Click here |
Circle | 1-5 | 6-10 | 11-20 | 21-50 | 51-100 | 101-200 | 201+ |
Pin or clip | £8.18 | £6.61 | £5.69 | £5.11 | £4.04 | £3.56 | Click here |
Magnet | £8.83 | £7.26 | £6.34 | £5.76 | £4.69 | £4.21 | Click here |
Shapes | 1-5 | 6-10 | 11-20 | 21-50 | 51-100 | 101-200 | 201+ |
Pin or clip | £8.18 | £6.61 | £5.69 | £5.11 | £4.04 | £3.56 | Click here |
Magnet | £8.83 | £7.26 | £6.34 | £5.76 | £4.69 | £4.21 | Click here |
Printed Wooden | 1-5 | 6-10 | 11-20 | 21-50 | 51-100 | 101-200 | 201+ |
Pin or clip | £6.23 | £4.93 | £4.45 | £4.26 | £3.46 | £2.95 | Click here |
Magnet | £6.88 | £5.58 | £5.10 | £4.91 | £4.11 | £3.60 | Click here |
Engraved Wooden | 1-5 | 6-10 | 11-20 | 21-50 | 51-100 | 101-200 | 201+ |
Pin or clip | £6.23 | £4.93 | £4.45 | £4.26 | £3.46 | £2.95 | Click here |
Magnet | £6.88 | £5.58 | £5.10 | £4.91 | £4.11 | £3.60 | Click here |
Chalkboard | 1-5 | 6-10 | 11-20 | 21-50 | 51-100 | 101-200 | 201+ |
Pin or clip | £8.18 | £6.61 | £5.69 | £5.11 | £4.04 | £3.56 | Click here |
Magnet | £8.83 | £7.26 | £6.34 | £5.76 | £4.69 | £4.21 | Click here |
Lapel Pin | 1-5 | 6-10 | 11-20 | 21-50 | 51-100 | 101-200 | 201+ |
Butterfly clutch | £4.78 | £2.91 | £1.77 | £1.46 | £1.35 | £1.25 | Click here |
Prestige Badges | ||
Quantity | Pin or clip | Magnet |
1-5 | £8.18 | £8.83 |
6-10 | £6.61 | £7.26 |
11-20 | £5.69 | £6.34 |
21-50 | £5.11 | £5.76 |
51-100 | £4.04 | £4.69 |
101-200 | £3.56 | £4.21 |
201+ | POA | POA |
Prestige Premium Badges | ||
Quantity | Pin or clip | Magnet |
1-5 | £10.21 | £10.86 |
6-10 | £8.57 | £9.22 |
11-20 | £7.54 | £8.19 |
21-50 | £6.82 | £7.47 |
51-100 | £5.87 | £6.52 |
101-200 | £5.23 | £5.88 |
201+ | POA | POA |
Classic Badges | ||
Quantity | Pin or clip | Magnet |
1-5 | £6.58 | £7.23 |
6-10 | £5.21 | £5.86 |
11-20 | £4.70 | £5.35 |
21-50 | £4.49 | £5.14 |
51-100 | £3.66 | £4.31 |
101-200 | £3.11 | £3.76 |
201+ | POA | POA |
Metal Classic Badges | ||
Quantity | Pin or clip | Magnet |
1-5 | £6.79 | £7.44 |
6-10 | £5.42 | £6.07 |
11-20 | £4.91 | £5.56 |
21-50 | £4.70 | £5.35 |
51-100 | £3.87 | £4.52 |
101-200 | £3.32 | £3.97 |
201+ | POA | POA |
Standard Badges | ||
Quantity | Pin or clip | Magnet |
1-5 | £6.93 | £7.58 |
6-10 | £5.48 | £6.13 |
11-20 | £4.95 | £5.60 |
21-50 | £4.73 | £5.38 |
51-100 | £3.85 | £4.50 |
101-200 | £3.28 | £3.93 |
201+ | POA | POA |
Borderless Badges | ||
Quantity | Pin or clip | Magnet |
1-5 | £7.56 | £8.21 |
6-10 | £6.05 | £6.70 |
11-20 | £5.32 | £5.97 |
21-50 | £4.93 | £5.58 |
51-100 | £3.94 | £4.59 |
101-200 | £3.42 | £4.07 |
201+ | POA | POA |
Reusable Badges | ||
Quantity | Pin or clip | Magnet |
1-5 | £9.85 | £10.50 |
6-10 | £8.09 | £8.74 |
11-20 | £7.01 | £7.66 |
21-50 | £6.27 | £6.92 |
51-100 | £4.97 | £5.62 |
101-200 | £4.39 | £5.04 |
201+ | POA | POA |
Metal Reusable Badges | ||
Quantity | Pin or clip | Magnet |
1-5 | £10.00 | £10.65 |
6-10 | £8.33 | £8.98 |
11-20 | £7.27 | £7.92 |
21-50 | £6.54 | £7.19 |
51-100 | £5.42 | £6.07 |
101-200 | £4.80 | £5.45 |
201+ | POA | POA |
Convex Pro Badges | ||
Quantity | Pin or clip | Magnet |
1-5 | £10.00 | £10.65 |
6-10 | £8.33 | £8.98 |
11-20 | £7.27 | £7.92 |
21-50 | £6.54 | £7.19 |
51-100 | £5.42 | £6.07 |
101-200 | £4.80 | £5.45 |
201+ | POA | POA |
Circle Badges | ||
Quantity | Pin or clip | Magnet |
1-5 | £8.18 | £8.83 |
6-10 | £6.61 | £7.26 |
11-20 | £5.69 | £6.34 |
21-50 | £5.11 | £5.76 |
51-100 | £4.04 | £4.69 |
101-200 | £3.56 | £4.21 |
201+ | POA | POA |
Shapes Badges | ||
Quantity | Pin or clip | Magnet |
1-5 | £8.18 | £8.83 |
6-10 | £6.61 | £7.26 |
11-20 | £5.69 | £6.34 |
21-50 | £5.11 | £5.76 |
51-100 | £4.04 | £4.69 |
101-200 | £3.56 | £4.21 |
201+ | POA | POA |
Printed Wooden Badges | ||
Quantity | Pin or clip | Magnet |
1-5 | £6.23 | £6.88 |
6-10 | £4.93 | £5.58 |
11-20 | £4.45 | £5.10 |
21-50 | £4.26 | £4.91 |
51-100 | £3.46 | £4.11 |
101-200 | £2.95 | £3.60 |
201+ | POA | POA |
Engraved Wooden Badges | ||
Quantity | Pin or clip | Magnet |
1-5 | £6.23 | £6.88 |
6-10 | £4.93 | £5.58 |
11-20 | £4.45 | £5.10 |
21-50 | £4.26 | £4.91 |
51-100 | £3.46 | £4.11 |
101-200 | £2.95 | £3.60 |
201+ | POA | POA |
Chalkboard Badges | ||
Quantity | Pin or clip | Magnet |
1-5 | £8.18 | £8.83 |
6-10 | £6.61 | £7.26 |
11-20 | £5.69 | £6.34 |
21-50 | £5.11 | £5.76 |
51-100 | £4.04 | £4.69 |
101-200 | £3.56 | £4.21 |
201+ | POA | POA |
Lapel Pin Badges | |
Quantity | Butterfly clutch |
1-5 | £4.78 |
6-10 | £2.91 |
11-20 | £1.77 |
21-50 | £1.46 |
51-100 | £1.35 |
101-200 | £1.25 |
201+ | POA |
All prices are in Pounds Sterling (£) and exclude VAT unless otherwise stated. NBi reserve the right to change prices at any time without notice.
Please note, the above prices are per design and unique fitting. If you need to order the same design with multiple fittings, or several different designs, then you will be charged the quantity for each variation.
For example, if you need to order 3 different designs or fittings, 10 of each, you will be charged the 6-10 quantity rate for each variation, not the 30 rate for the total number of badges.
Name Badges International
(United Kingdom)
Insignia House,
Vale Road,
England PE23 5HE
Telephone (New Customers)
01790 729 855
Telephone (Existing Customers)
01790 755 855
Phone lines open:
8am-5pm Monday-Thursday
8am-4pm Friday
Closed weekends and bank holidays.